General Cognitive Interview

What would you like to communicate to your audience?

For any communication as high-stake as an interview, we need to plan our communications carefully.
Read the Job description. What are explicit work examples you want to tell the employer, to showcase your problem-solving and cross-functional ability dealing with stakeholders.
What are some potential tripping questions that you anticipate, and mitigate them with other factors.
It's OK to be less than perfect (no one is, that's why jobs are challenging) What's the strategy to show how you come back up again? And quickly recover from it?
Make it conversational. What do you want the interviewer to feel at the end of the interview?
Make the best of your preparation and leave to rest to relax your nerves.

General Cognitive Ability Interview

1. Draw the boundary, Make assumptions, Dealing with ambiguity, focus area, prioritisation. 
2. Ask clarifying questions ⇒ scope the question : If...then.. 
3. 30 seconds pause. 
4. Answer the question. 
5. Make list. 
6. Dissect the question, attack keywords. 
7. Use numbers as much as possible.  

Understand the problem

Think abstractly 

Identify the solution

Comprehend complex ideas 

Planning the solution

Solve problem, Reason

Support the solution


Communicate clearly

Learn quickly & learn from experience

Certified Interviewers, Google Employees
