success of our communities depends on the strength of the family
I chanced on this LinkedIn post and decide to relfect on it.
other than reigniting my personal memories and surfacing a phenomenon that still happens in this modern day, woman still fearing and facing discrimination when they are fulfilling mother nature's role to bring forth a child to continue the ancestry of mankind. Scrolls of comments agreeing to the author made me believe not just in asia that such prejudices still exist and happen.
amongst all the comments, this caught my attention for bringing thought provoking perspective.
"Being a mother or father is one of the most
important jobs, if not the most important job on the planet. The success of our communities depends on the strength of the family. Motherhood in our society is seen as an unfortunate inconvenience...a distraction from careers, success, and personal fulfillment. It disheartens me. I agree, normalize pregnancy, motherhood, and parenting! Our world needs to be as concerned with creating great marriages, families, and children as it is with creating value in the marketplace."
I am keeping this perspective. so that one day, if I am a job creator or business owner, my modus operandi will principle on strengthening familial relationships - for both children and parents. We just don't have enough of that!
next, some thoughts spews on what I recently remind myself.
Be wary of what you are considering.
Make the decision to consider worth the consideration.
this means have a healthy self awareness, clarity on your personal goals, what brings joy.
Deliberate your actions.
Think twice thrice fourth and the fifth time, before devoting action, plan, time. know what's the trade off?
Stop jumping the gun.
action doesn't mean production. productiveness doesn't mean goal alignment. its worst to have productiveness in the wrong goal.
Lose a little.
choose the better choice, not perfect choice.
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